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.I Need An Raf Station 5 Miles Southwest Of Market Bosworth

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peterofware | 22:46 Mon 03rd Apr 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
The latest Sunday times where was I seems to point at Market Bosworth as the Market town. It is difficult to find a suitable former RAF station that is 4 mile SouthWest of Market Bosworth. Any ideas please?


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RAF Lindley?
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RAF Lindley, as suggested by "Hopkirk", is what I came up with but it is maybe just about South West but it is 7.6miles not 4 miles as the competition states. They usually get the mileage wrong but that is nearly double that stated.
I'm no petrolhead but one quick look at the competition told me the way to go. The second sentence reads "Did my friend just tell me we’re off to honour a triumph?". That should be good enough to tell you the make of vehicle that's involved, with a reference to a 'factory visitor experience' at the end of the clues linking in with that.

With that behind you, simply google to find the location of the said factory visitor experience on Google Maps. Then, since that site is two miles south-east of the former airfield, you need to be looking for the name of a village (from which the RAF station took its name) roughly two miles to the north-west.

I actually recognised the name straight away, as I've probably heard of the majority of old RAF bases but you might need to try googling 'RAF', followed by the name of any likely village, to get your answer.

All of that took me less than a minute from first reading through the clues and I'm confident that I'm on the right track. (It's taken me a lot longer to type all of this out!). However I've not gone any further, so I'll leave it to you to tie the rest of it together.
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Thank you Buenchico for your answer information. I did find all that as you said quite easily , however the specified distances are even more incorrect that usual. It seems that there are no other options to the obvious.
Are you measuring "as the crow flies" (as the setter always does) or by road distance?

Here's a screenshot from Google Maps:

Market Bosworth is right at the top of the image, with the perimeter road of RAF Lindley at the bottom left. Using the '2000 ft' scale indication at the bottom right to step off the distance between the centre of Market Bosworth and the edge of the airfield's perimeter road gives me about 23000 feet. So that's roughly four and a third miles as the crow flies.

Finding a suitable location for an RAF station 5 miles southwest of Market Bosworth could be strategic for both logistical and operational purposes. This area offers a balance of accessibility and seclusion, ideal for various military activities. I prefer to visit here and learn more skills about marketplaces. 

With the expanding infrastructure in the region, establishing an RAF base here could significantly enhance regional security and readiness. The landscape, characterized by its flat terrains and open spaces, is well-suited for air operations. Additionally, the locality's historical and strategic value adds to its appeal. One could even imagine personnel exchanging items from "vinted canada" as part of their downtime activities, highlighting the blend of tradition and modernity that makes this location unique.





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.I Need An Raf Station 5 Miles Southwest Of Market Bosworth

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