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Clue Chain 5

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miser | 07:29 Tue 28th May 2024 | Crosswords
1315 Answers

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 

New contributors are very welcome

Criminal brutality? Anyhow there's no way out! (9)



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Yes Patsy 😊

Catching little convict has label with I.O.U's (10)

? Contagious

Yes Haz 😃 

Thanks 😊

Could it be paranormal watching the greatest innate?  (12)


I hear the sirens of redemption
Screamin' out like never before
And there's a roadblock in every direction
But I ain't stoppin' 'cause I'm in control

And there's a monkey on my back
So I gotta set a trap
'Cause I'm sick of all the same withdrawals

I got a mind full of inspiration
And I ain't livin' in the past no more

So feast your eyes on the big, blue sky
And wave bye-bye from a long, black Cadillac
Pay the price, gotta roll those dice
And wave bye-bye from a long, black Cadillac



Yes Patsy 😊  Did apologize for putting 00.22 in wrong thread but ?? where it went 😃

Every body  having a day off. 

Put in gold then it turned around, city for validity. (12)

? Plausibility

No sorry has. On the right lines..

Haz! 😄


Yes Has! Au= gold, then, ti= turned around, city 😁

Thanks Patsy 😊  Will have to go now, back later.  Just keep posting and I'll check on return.

Clue:  Adorning the neck, you will find a writer before a European poet who has lost his fifth letter.


An old coin for the craftsman? (6)

? Tanner

Yes Haz 😃 

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