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sandyRoe | 17:12 Sun 23rd Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Finishing off my lunch today with one I got to thinking I'd never found seeds in them.

Why is that?



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I googled your question, because I didn't know the says: If you've ever sliced open a banana from a grocery store, you may see little black dots that appear to be seeds. These "banana seeds" are immature, infertile, and can't be planted and grown. Most bananas sold in stores are of the Cavendish variety, which are commercial bananas that typically...
17:14 Sun 23rd Jun 2024

I googled your question, because I didn't know the answer.

it says: 

If you've ever sliced open a banana from a grocery store, you may see little black dots that appear to be seeds. These "banana seeds" are immature, infertile, and can't be planted and grown. Most bananas sold in stores are of the Cavendish variety, which are commercial bananas that typically produce no seeds.

Some used to have seeds in them but they have now been grown to not contain seeds. They have been cloned.

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Thank you both.

I think it strange that the world's most commercially popular banana was cultivated in England during the 1830s

I grow garlic. I found it difficult to get seeds from them too. Cloves and bulbils, yes, but actual seeds, I've only read about.

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