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I cant think of anything else to do. No matter what you say to his lad, he doesnt do anytting about it, I used to but myself little treats for the week, but he kept going to the cupboard and taking them for his packup, so I stopped buying them. He has washing up stais going back 3 weeks!! He is just not bothered how things are, He knows it bugs me and I try not to let him see, he went through a stage of taking my things dvds etc, and not giving them back, so I put a lock on the spare bedroom door, he uses my shampoo - towels etc so now they are under lock and key, I have told my partner that it is not a home but a prison cell. why cant i leave things out. It really gets me down and as You say we are heading for disaster, he has moved out twice of his own accord , but has come back. the time he was away was absolute bliss, as soon as he came back,(which he did without asking) my hackles were up. I thought that by walking out, something might of been done, but no.