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This 'Bad Actor ' Trying To Harm Reform.

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sandyRoe | 22:27 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | News
31 Answers

Anyone know his CV?  Has he appeared at the Old Vic, rep, or even amateur dramatics?  Where has he tried the boards?



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Trod the boards, not tried.  ^

>>> "Anyone know his CV?"


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The fake beards do give him the look of someone who has just waded up a beach after stepping off a small boat.

He may be an actor, but was he acting or being himself?

So it's a Borat type bloke taking the pee.

That makes sense.

Not even Lee Longlands or whatever his name is would be stupid enough to verbalise these kinds of thoughts.

Based on how he is in his CV videos and listed skill set, it strongly suggests he was acting. In any case it beggars belief that anyone genuinely supporting a party would choose to act like an exteme caricature knowing it would do the party harm. If C4 didn't directly get their hands dirty over this, some folk of a similar view seem to has arranged it for them to record.

he is an actor- they say - that specialised in gobbing off

( ex tempore - low talk, or rough talk - there is a luvvie phrase for this) - has this happened before does anyone know? 


So let's fill out the lie. If he was acting then ...

a) was Channel 4 in on it or

b) did an undercover Channel 4 reporter coincidentally meet an actor?

The idea that Channel 4 was in on it is ridiculous and,  of course, there's no evidence to back it up.

And don't forget, the report didn't only cover Andrew Parker.

It also includes footage of a conversation between: George Jones, a veteran of UKIP and the Brexit Party now running events for Mr Farage’s campaign; Rob Bates, a senior Reform UK campaigner; and Roger Gravett, Reform UK’s regional manager for London and candidate for Tottenham.

This is a much better George Jones, and you get Dolly thrown in for free;


No one knows for sure if some in C4 were in on it, but it is hardly a ridiculous theory.  In any event they need not be if some other group set it up and spread the word. The rest of the report is not of the same affect but are merely efforts to make the suspected set-up look legitimate. Individuals are allowed views and can express them if they wish, but the issue is clearly about Andrew Parker.


Just ask yourself how likely the rantings of Mr. Parker was, and the conclusion becomes obvious.

This George Jones is being investigated by the police for what he said about ... the police. It's clear that the culture of Clacton Reform is toxic.

If anyone is lying about Reform, who gains?  The Tories.  If you think Channel 4 is running a campaign to use an actor to give help to the Tories, then I have a bridge to sell you ...

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@ 23:10

That's a profound question and it's far above my ability to answer.

A number of ABers were taken in by his performance and expressed support for his views.

Perhaps Reform UK are not rightwing enough for some ABers.

//A number of ABers were taken in by his performance and expressed support for his views.//



TTT posted in the thread //They are only saying what most of the country are thinking.//

fraser posted in the thread //britain for the british, britain first enough said. have a happy thursday.//

Hymie, you tell us there are 'a number' and then name just two - neither of whom said they condone shooting people.  In fact TTT specifically said he doesn't.  And I agree with Fraser.  Britain should be for the British.  There's nothing wrong with that.  I'm surprised you're not dizzy with all the spinning you do.  Or perhaps you are.                           

You need to be able to identify someone who will buy a bridge off you first. I'm not even taken in by actors behaving badly, let alone cons selling bridges.

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This 'Bad Actor ' Trying To Harm Reform.

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