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This 'Bad Actor ' Trying To Harm Reform.

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sandyRoe | 22:27 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | News
31 Answers

Anyone know his CV?  Has he appeared at the Old Vic, rep, or even amateur dramatics?  Where has he tried the boards?



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If 2 isn't a number what is it?

"britain for the british, britain first", sound reasonable views to hold. Much better than, "britain for illegal enonomic immigrants, britain last". Doesn't equate to Andrew Parker's rant performance.

0 is a number too.

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One is the loneliest number.

Don't see why.

"britain for the british, britain first", sound reasonable views to hold

not keen on it: both parents were immigrants

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Peter Pedante,

I sometimes wonder if there was a 5th Columnist in Gordon Brown's entourage.

You'll remember he was baited, almost beyond endurance, by a 'racist woman' and when he reached the sanctuary of his car a mike was left on recording his comments.

Who left the mike on, who was that woman?

Brown was out of touch, and the woman was genuinely worried about immigration. Though the leaving the mike on was an error, it exposed that the Prime Minister was not listening to the electorate. A fatal error in a general election campaign.

But presumably you're British PP.


Leddy was Gillain Duffy

oh I see, Gordon Brown set up? - he was never a man of the people...

well if this fella were an actor - - do we give him an oscar?

PP Brit - yes jus solis - oops bitta Latin here - born here ( law of the land) - my  mother had one of the funny Indian 1947 British passports (only someone with Indian connections will understand that one)

and ma Daydy one of the many many post-war who commented that in Sep 1939 when he jjoined up there was no discussion about his nationality ....

I always felt sorry for Brown - lost an eye in his teens - and at Kirckcaldy Grammar School  got into uni at 16 and ever after felt he had been hot-housed and therefore famously unhappy

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