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Tory Plot To Stop Oliver Dowden Taking Over As Tory Leader.

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gulliver1 | 12:17 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | News
27 Answers

Senior Tories have said this obnoxious, jumped up little twerp must not take over as leader of the party, when the Tories lose the election on Thursday.They are blaming Dowden for the mess they are in for pushing Sunak into calling this snap election rather than wait until Autumn. Note that Dowden has been totally absent since the election was announced.



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A Senior Tory source says Dowden must be sent into poitical exile if the party suffers a humiliating defeat and should never ever be allowed anywhere near leadership again.          .....I Agree. He is a little piece of ****

do you have any sort of reference material or is this just another of your BS fantasy posts? Not news anyway.

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12 .27 Anything to do with the election in four days time is news Although if The Tory Party is mentioned you might think you are in the Jokes section.

Oh, it's an 'exclusive' from the Mirror.  I wondered why I couldn't find it.  Got to ask why and how the Mirror got an 'exclusive' on what's going on among 'Senior Tories'.  


Journalists talk to politicos and report things they say. Politicos use journalists to brief against each other.

There we go.  That's how.  :o)

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12.38 You will have to start looking into the mirror more often Naomi.

I will indeed, gulliver.  I like a laugh.

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Dowden has now broken silence and dismissed stories about  him being a candidate for Tory leadership.Saying that he is a load of complete and utter nonsense.

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13.07 Typo should read ("it is")   not (he is)  whoops

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Dowden is now claiming that when the Tories lose the election it will be because of Russian interference. Anybodys fault except the Tories eh .

Gulliver, Dowden was on the Trevor Phillips this morning so not totally absent as you say.

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I think this guy Oliver Dowden should be renamed Oliver Twist because that's just what he is .Twisted.  He is now saying to voters. Don't think about what damage we Tories have done to you over the last fourteen years.Don't think about record prices in shops and supermarkets Record waiting lists with NHS Soaring mortgages and all the other things we have inflicted on you in the past fourteen years. just put all that behind you.And don't even think about it .     I don't think they will ever forget it when they are in that polling booth on Thursday.

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TSM 14.04 Goes to show how desperate the Tories are .Having to wheel this prize p**** out . After keeping him locked up for the last five weeks.

I couldn't care less about internal Tory party wrangling and recriminations.

It is puzzling that they called the election early though. 

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Tories 20 points behind Labour and even showing third place behind Reform. Four days before the election and who do they choose to go on the crucial Sunday morning Trevor Phillips show.Yes they are Bonkers or have given up .They chose Oliver Dowden.How many Tory MPs will be standing by with the whisky and revolver in hand on Friday morning.

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Watching with horror and blind panic at his TV in Downing St on Sunday morning, eating breakfast was Rishi Sunak .He had no idea that Dim Dowden had been chosen as the Tory Frontman for Sunday morning TV.He quickly put on his drain pipe trousers summoned a car with police escort and flashing Blue lights to get him to BBC Studios *Emergency* With a bit of luck he could drag the dimwit of the show. But alas as Sunak arrived at the studios still munching his Smoked Salmon and Caviar on toast it was too late. The show was over.The damage had been done and Labour had gained more voters.

Oliver Dowden is an uninspiring politician but I'm not sure why gulliver refers to him as DIM.

Oliver Dowden was born on 1 August 1978.[3] He grew up in Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire, being educated at Parmiter's School, a partially selective state comprehensive school in Garston. He said he had an "excellent state education",[4] before going to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he read law.[5]

I wonder what academic qualifications gulliver1 achieved. I'm sure that unlike someone here, Dowden knows when not to use capital letters and can use correct spacings after full stops.


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