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Do You And Your Partner Like The Same Television Programmes?

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naomi24 | 19:31 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

I know people who sit in separate rooms to watch television.  Do you?



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Sometimes we do, other times we watch together, usually when we have tea on trays on our knees.

We mostly like the same things, definitely have similar tastes in drama and documentaries but occasionally we tolerate something less desirable! We just have one TV in the house and record things that the other one really can't sit through. They get watched on a wet afternoon or when we're home alone.

We always watch same stuff together. 

Yes we have different tastes as especially he doesn't like soaps & I am a die-hard Corrie fan.

And I don't like football!!

If there's, say, live sport on two channels I'll go and watch in the bedroom. 

If football's on, I'll happily go up to the bedroom and watch what I want.

That also goes for disaster movies. Can't stand them.

we have a lot of things we both watch as well as programs that one likes and not the other. We just watch what we both like when we are both watching.

My late partner and I (together 49 years)had VERY dissimilar tastes in TV viewing but over the years came to meet in the middle 

In the end we tolerated and in the end often enjoy programmes that we never thought we would in a spirit of compromise 

Isn't that what love is all about?

Noisynose, I'm glad that worked out well for you, but I would never have coped. I have no interest in history or football, my husband has no interest in surgery or police documentaries,say.  We're married - not Siamese twins, just two people with very different interests and likes and dislikes. There are some programmes, only a few, that suit us both. 

Most things. Sometimes we tolerate each other's taste, although saying that, he does subtley let me know he doesn't really like it! 

More or less.

We tend to watch most things together. But we find enough pockets of time to watch programmes individually.

There is overlap, but otherwise one puts up with the other's favourites. Occasionally we watch in different rooms, but we're usually there because we are doing something else there at the same time anyway.

We don't sit in separate rooms to watch tv.  If one of us is doing something else we take advantage to watch what we know the other doesn't enjoy. 

Same room, different tastes. If I watch something that she dislikes she reads her book, and visa versa.

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