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Would It Bother You If A Friend Responded With "Ok" When You Tell Them Something?

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Cindy1302 | 19:16 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | Family & Relationships
13 Answers

I've been friends with her for the past 14 years, and I dont recall her acting this way until recently. Like, my sisters friend just gave her a car for free. It's a 2011 Subaru. I thought it was very generous and cool of them. So I'm talking to my friend on playstation last night, and I tell her about it. Her response was a very uninterested "ok..." then she was just silent. I didn't feel like talking to her afterwords. It just seems very passive aggressive. She does this a lot too, and it kind of *** me off.  Am I just being dramatic or was she being rude?



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Why did you care ?

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Because I thought she'd at least be like "that's cool", or something. I just feel like her response was kinda rude.

If I were your sister I wouldn't want you discussing my business.

What did you expect your friend to say? Does she know your sister ?

Ach weel, get over it.

agree Corbo - she wasnt interested because it wasnt about  her. you are being dramatic

Perhaps she, being your friend, thought you were suggesting she bought you a car, like your sisters friend.

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If she wasn't interested because it wasn't about her make her kinda self absorbed?

Or maybe she just wasn't interested .

It would bother me if I actually had a friend.🥱

Let alone one that said "Ok"

Your life must be so difficult, do you create these problems yourself Cindy?

Or just dream them up so you can post random faecal matter?

A friend I talk to a lot - we often respond with just "ok" to each other.

It's just acknowledging "information received, I have nothing to add". No big deal.

You are being over dramatic as usual.

Stop navel-gazing.

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Would It Bother You If A Friend Responded With "Ok" When You Tell Them Something?

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