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Help! Laptop Not Working

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netibiza | 09:38 Sun 11th Jun 2023 | Technology
7 Answers
I have an old sony vaio win 11 laptop and this image is all I get when I go into a programme
Obviously not sideways. Is there anything I can do?


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Don't speak Spanish so I'm guessing this might help:
Question Author
Thank you am plodding through it now. Fingers crossed. Sorry didn't realise it was in Spanish!
The message is informing the website you seek cannot provide a secure connection.

This is usually a result of an invalid/expired SSL certificate (proof of web sites authenticity, enabling encryption etc).

Should you still desire to bring up that web page, one way to circumvent the notification (90% of the time), assuming you're using the Google Chrome Browser, activate the 'New incognito window'. This can be found under the 3 vertical dots (top right hand corner). A different browser page will now open. Now enter the URL again.

See how it goes.
Question Author
Thanks so much. No idea what happened but I uninstalled a couple of progs and alls fine.
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Oh and I changed browers
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Help! Laptop Not Working

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