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Good Morning Early Monday Morning Birds!

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Smowball | 07:49 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Well, a pretty relaxed weekend was had here.Didnt do the 5hr+ journey all the way from here in London down to Devon to see Youngsmow & new born baby as he is still in hospital till  tomorrow, & they want me to come down when they are all discharged & home, so hopefully tomorrow/wed. So for now we are doing endless fone calls & am being sent loads of gorgeous photos of baby Theo! 🩷

Recent heat has gone & a cloudy morning is here but it is dry at least, and hoping it will stay that way lol. I have got a parcel arriving this morning from a distant friend - my Christmas present from her!! When she messaged me yesterday to say keep an eye out as she'd posted it I thought she was joking - it's 1st July! But she said no, she'd done her Xmas shopping early this year. Erm, just a tad LOL.

So what are we all up to today?x





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Ooh hang on, the sunshine is coming out!

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Ooh hang on, the sunshine is coming out!

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Just me this morning then?? lol

Morning smo.  Clearing some of my wardrobe is on the agenda for me today.  The hospice shop will do well.

Good morning Smow and Naomi.  The sun is shining here. Yippee!

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Morning guys - ohhh the joys of what hides in the wardrobe lol!

And yes, sun is really coming out now!

It's out here, too.  Quite excited as a course/lecture on writing novels begins this afternoon. Autobiography/biography today. Only problem is that it is a Bridlington and I'm apprehensive about finding somewhere to park - holidaymakers - within walking distance (I'm still a bit limited).  Wish me luck!

Morning all.  Mizzling here and I must put the bin out tonight

Ooh, yes barry!  Our bin has to go out too - the green one.

Could you go by taxi to take the stress of, jourdain?  I have a car but often take a cab when I know parking is going to be a nightmare 

^^ 10 miles, barry - costalotta.  :(

^^No buses.

Morning all.

The first of July and it's overcast with rain forecast.  When's the Summer coming?

Apart from a bit of shopping I've nothing planned.

Have a good day, everyone.

Up here in Aberdeen that must be one of the worst Junes we have had for a long time.I was hoping for a better July,but no,today is still as dreich as ever.I dont think the temperature has risen much above 15C all year up here in the Granite City.When is this"Global Warming"going to start kicking in?

Good morning Smow and all.
Lovely sunny morning here in East Yorkshire with just the gentlest of breezes.
Craft club this afteroon for me, other than that nothing is planned.
Good idea to wait till the new family settle in for a day or so Smow.
Have a good day everyone :)


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I keep getting logged out every 5 mins - no idea why! Grrrrr.

Yep it always amazes me how the bins/recycling vary from house to house. My MIL moved last week and she said ohh I've just found out that they don't collect food waste at new address. And I said what are you meant to do with it then?? ( I didn't realise that anywhere DIDNT  collect food waste lol)And she said I've no idea! 

Good morning all. Just a quiet day for us, enjoying husband being home at long last.

How is your husband, Rosetta?

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Hi Rosetta - yes, how is your dear husband??x

He is still recovering, but getting better bit by bit.The care on ICU was tremendous, not so much on the general ward.  One doctor told us it could take six to eight months to get fully back to normal, while on a respirator they can lose a lot of muscle. But he is getting around slowly  and pleased to have escaped colditz, as he called his room

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