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On Your Uppers 2,5,6; Not An Open Space In Notts 9,4; In Victoria As I Bend I Go To This City 7

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sillyhat | 21:30 Thu 02nd Jan 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
all answers have a connection to places in the world. 97 completed - these are the last 3. Guessing (wrongly I'm sure!) at Norwegian wood and Vatican


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3 Bendigo - word hidden in clue and a city in Victoria
Question Author
Thank you - it's not a place I've heard of at all! I did try looking in the clue but didn't pick that out as a town.
It better if you list your questions in the body of the question not the title, and number them, ideally with the actual number from the quiz, along with thendetails and closing date of the quiz.

1. On Your Uppers 2,5,6;

2. Not An Open Space In Notts 9,4;

3. In Victoria As I Bend I Go To This City 7
Question Author
Sorry - I'm a novice at this really. The closing date is 10th January and
the uppers is Q13; the Notts one is Q 29. (Not sure why these facts are necessary but I've added them now.)
Towns etc or any type of place?

Question Author
Some are countries, some are towns, some islands - totally random. Info just says "some 'connection' to places in the world however abstruse this connection might be".
I give a quiz every week so I come to know about the preparation of myself. The help me to prepare myself for exams and this is the time when I need them the most.
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Question Author

Not sure why I have just received notification about this when it was dated 2nd January 2020!!

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On Your Uppers 2,5,6; Not An Open Space In Notts 9,4; In Victoria As I Bend I Go To This City 7

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