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Anyone Understand How Video Works?

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barry1010 | 16:13 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | How it Works
12 Answers

I have watched several vlogs on YouTube made by an amateur couple. I don't think they are deliberately trying to produce an effect but I can't figure out why it happens.

One of them has a missing tooth and at times the gap is right of centre, at other times, left. 

I thought I was mistaken when I first noticed but on checking, I'm not.

Can anyone explain? 




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I won't provide a link as access is by invite only

If it was created on a cellphone it's possoble that the image has been reversed. Many times you see photos taken on a cellphone where writing on T-shirts is reversed. 

sounds like they are mirror recording sometimes. Is there anything else that moves about? eg watch, ring, tattoo?

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I know each video is stitched together from several days footage so it is possible they filmed on different devices. 

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I'll have to watch out for that, no tattoos but I'll look for jewellery and watches

hair parting is a giveaway

Buttons on shirts or blouses will show if it's reversed

Also different devices can film different in refelection or normal. eg with zoom for example people are often a reflection. I always set mine up so what people see is the right way round. try it with zoom on your own. Raise your right hand, is the picture correct?

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Good points to look out for, thanks 

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I think you've cracked it - they do hold boards up with writing and graphs so they must reverse those images so we can read them - is that right?  

I have seen folk doing maths on a clear screen and from memory they were the other side of the screen but I could read the writing.

I wondered how it was done until I realized the video must have been flipped.

If they're holding some charts, they would read as if you were looking at them in real life.

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Anyone Understand How Video Works?

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