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Tory Plot To Stop Oliver Dowden Taking Over As Tory Leader.

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gulliver1 | 12:17 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | News
27 Answers

Senior Tories have said this obnoxious, jumped up little twerp must not take over as leader of the party, when the Tories lose the election on Thursday.They are blaming Dowden for the mess they are in for pushing Sunak into calling this snap election rather than wait until Autumn. Note that Dowden has been totally absent since the election was announced.



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"...Dowden knows when not to use capital letters and can use correct spacings after full stops."


Classic genius markers.


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NMS 15.49 Dowden is a member of the  Dim coughers Club

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Douglas 15.58 lol 😎

Your witticisms, douglas, usually work but not  always, as we can see here.

To clarify (although I realise you are trying your best not to understand) N not being able to use the basics of punctuation* is a good indicator of dimness to me.  (*Not to mention inability to copy and paste or post links and regularly getting the wrong end of the stick.)

What is the Dim Coughers' Club? Can anyone join?

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Nma It is not just Me that think this obnoxious little jumped up assistant Leader of The outgoing Govt  is a ..Dimwit        His fellow Mps and even Sunak himself agree with me .🤣

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Barry 16.17 Don't think yu would have the correct qualifications to  join that club .They would welcome the likes of NMA and they would probably give TTT free membership and promote him to Chairman.

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