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Is The Home Secretary Really That Thick…?

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Gromit | 12:29 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

The artist Banksy was at Glastonbury where he revealed his latest artwork, an inflatable dinghy complete with migrants. The small boat launched during a song about immigration, and 'crowd-surfed' the sea of festival-goers.  
Asked to comment, the Home Secretary James Cleverley (sic) said “There are a bunch of people there joking and celebrating about criminal actions which costs lives, people die. People die in the Mediterranean, they die in the Channel. This is not funny. It is vile. It is a celebration of the loss of life in the Channel.”

He thought it was a joke. No wonder we have miserably failed to stop the boats when we have a simpleton in charge.



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I can see why the Tory Answer Bankers Don't like Banksy. It's because he knows the writing is on the wall for the Tories 😎

Yes, he is.

Sounds to me as if he took it seriously and thought it was in poor taste.  Perfectly OK.

oh dear, films like Scott of the Antarctic had better be burnt at the stake

What is wrong with 'Scot of the Antarctic', JNO?  I seem to have missed something somewhere.

It's upsetting all the right people, as he intended.

The smart move would be to ignore rather than publicise it, but they obviously ain't that smart.

jourdain, everyone died in Scott of the Antarctic, having been beaten to the Pole. Should we be celebrating the loss of their lives?

It doesn't appear to me that this was about loss of lives, Jno, but rather a celebration of illegal immigrants successfully  making their way to this country.   

I agree with you, naomi - but not with Cleverley.

yeah, but also at Glastonbury there were lots of Palestinian flags being waved, at a music festival, all it needed was some armed men to storm in and start shooting.

Well you wouldn't - obviously - Jno. His politics are the wrong colour.

Anf jno, openly, hates this country.

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