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St Andrews Chuch

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vonjon | 18:47 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

sounds like "somewhere on the coast"

20. scottish church (4) sound of a dove (3) french cheese (4)

ive got kirk - coo - ?

any help please



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Kirkudbright  - Kirk coo Brie 

kirkcudbright pronounced kirk coo brie

This quiz came out this week!  Closing date September 11th.



Can you please add the closing date so people can decide if it is too early to give answers.  I got my quiz this morning!!!

See above, Furry.

Had seen that Tilly, I was trying to put over that to vonjon as per Site Rules.

Question Author

Thanks toorak and the winner I thought of Brie or blue but didn't realise kirkudbright was pronounced Kirk coo Brie. 
also sorry for not putting cd on furrypussycat, thank you tilly2 for correcting my mistake. 

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St Andrews Chuch

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