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An Advertisement For Reform Appeared When I Opened...

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sandyRoe | 12:48 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

...the Wordle game.

It almost put me off my stroke.

Why would they target me?



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It's because you're a Reformed character Sandy.
13:48 Tue 02nd Jul 2024

er - they would like your vote?

Were you on the vinegar stroke?😂

For a laugh?

Seriaoulsy though have you been reading anything about them in the press?


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No Reform candidates in N Ireland.

Maybe they're aiming their adverts at older people on the principle that the older you get the more reactionary you get.

Who knows?

Probably dont bother to check location, just cookies/earch history. So if you have clciked a link on here or similar itnregisters the interest.

Most Advertising algorithms are not very complex.

It's because you're a Reformed character Sandy.

I have had Reform adverts on AB (this site).  

When Farage became leader the party's membership doubled from 30,000 to 60,000 virtually overnight and is still rising. But more importantly they received £500,000 in donations.  And they have spent £1million on on-line advertising.

Election spending so far across all the parties has seen £6million spent. £3million by Labour, £1.5million by the Tories, £1million Reform and the rest £Half million. 20,000 different adverts have been generated and seen 600million times.

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