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Has Anyone Won Anything In July's Premium Bonds Draw?

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windywillow | 00:08 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

I've won £75.



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£175, same as last month.

We've all won.  Hurrah!


Got £325 which I was pleased about.  Trying to think what to spend it on as I like to use it for treats.

£250 for me and £200 for OH

£25 - disappointed!

£1075 :-)

Nothing, but then I've only got £5 of bonds. I keep them to allow me to dream.

Wow Ryzen!  Well done you! 
I got £100 and my husband got £100.  Must have been a bumper month.

One day Hopkirk.  One day.

Yep, £150 👍

Me and wife have max holdings.

I got £50 and £100 = £150

Wife got £25 and £500 = £525

She won £1,000 prize twice in 2023 and got a yearly return on investment of 6.8%.

Wife since 2018 has won 150% more than me to date. Her bonds seem luckier for some reason. 

Typo ...

wife's return on investment in 2023 was 8.8%.

Don't recall winning anything ever in the PB draws.

That's because you don't have any premium bonds, OG

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Congratulations, all. 🤩

I love the Premium Bonds. 

just a pony this time.

I have PBs. Bought for me when I was a kid.

Just the usual

have you checked them OG?

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Has Anyone Won Anything In July's Premium Bonds Draw?

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