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Notification Sounds On Galaxy Mobile

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fbg40 | 09:51 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers


My wife has a Samsung Galaxy A32 and every time she replies to an incoming text message (and also Whats app) the phone sounds a notification. I have tried, but without success, to turn this notification sound off, and although if I go into settings I can turn notifications off for both incoming and outgoing, I can't separate the outgoing on its own. I have googled the problem and looked on You tube but to no avail. If anybody knows how to "cure" this, we would both be very grateful !!




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That option to turn on sounds which reads "Hear outgoing and incoming message sounds" is a bit vague. It should read "Hear outgoing *as well as* incoming message sounds". In other words, turning it off will only turn off outgoing sounds.


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Sorry, the phone just says for incoming and outgoing, no mention of "as well as". Thanks anyway.


I think you need to re-read my answer. I know that there's no mention of "outgoing *as well as* incoming". What I'm telling you is that if you turn off the option "outgoing and incoming" it will not turn off incoming sounds, only outgoing sounds. As I thought I'd made clear, although it says "outgoing and incoming", it actually means "outgoing *as well as* incoming".


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Correction accepted !! Many thanks, will have to have a look tomorrow.


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Notification Sounds On Galaxy Mobile

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