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The Sun Has Backed Labour.

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sandyRoe | 16:14 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
19 Answers

Does Rupert Murdoch still summon the party leaders to come to him and lay out their stall?

What could SKS have offered?



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If they had so much confidence in Labour, why did they wait until the very last moment to declare their support?


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I think they're doing it with a clothes peg on their nose 


Yes, they all went to see him, line up like a load of peasants and kiss his boots.


They want to appear to be king makers.

No one knowingly backs a loser, even Kn*breads at the Sun.

@16.23.I think we will all have to have pegs on our noses to get rid of the Tories and the SNPers sandy.Methinks a lot of tactical voting tomorrow.I for one will be holding my nose.

The Sun did exactly the same back in '97 and, as i recall, the headline was "It has to be Labour".

Made me chuckle that a paper that had backed the Tories for so long, had apparently 'changed sides'.

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^. Once you've voted Labour you might come to see the sense in it.

Memory playing tricks with me apparently. The headline was, "It must be you" (a-la-lottery) with a picture of Blair with a finger pointing to him.

Maybe my 'headline' was from an article inside the Sun.

an extremely nasty rag. having their support is nothing to be proud of. 

It's far less relevant who the Sun endorses these days than it ever has been.

Having read the Sun's comments I don't think they're actually backing Labour but rather conceding that Labour will probably win.  There is a difference.

Have they ? So they back those who look likely to win. Will they claim it was all down to them afterwards ?

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^ not your first post to be removed today gulliver. Be want to be able to post on Friday morning.

Once you've voted Labour you might see the sense in never doing it again.

The Sun has got it's hat on, it's coming out to play.  The Sun has got it's hat on .The Cons have had their Day 😎

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It's been tanning ******* down in Timbuktu....

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