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Will The Libdems Be Up To The Job Of Being The Official Opposition Party?

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Gromit | 13:23 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
29 Answers

A lot of polls are predicting the LibDems to overtake the Conservatives and take second place in the general election - making them the opposition party.  
Are they up to the job?



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As I said Hopkirk, we might see something different.

A bungee jump from the public gallery perhaps.

He says he doesn't take himself too seriously, but he expects us to.

He can't be any worse than the others.

22.24.............. 😎No strings attached😎..................

Ed Davey took his cue from Johnson, and he's certainly become more recognisable, and probably more popular because he's shown that he's human, happy with self-deprecating humour, and being a good sport.

Atheist @ 11.04. Ed Davey is a decent politician and should never have to sink to the depth of Johnson.

// Ed Davey is a decent politician //

given his role in the Post Office Horizon scandal, "decent" isn't the first word that springs to mind......

//will he abseil down to his position from the gallery,//

Should be abseiling straight into Prison for what he has done.

About as far decent as you can get.

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