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England Expects That Every Man, And Woman Will Do Their Duty.

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sandyRoe | 04:52 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
27 Answers

As does Scotland, Wales, and N Ireland.

What time are you going to the polling booth?



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If the UK government is willing pass a law stating that an unsafe country is safe, what is to stop them passing a law stating that torture is not torture?

Well let's see what your Labour luvvies will come up with shall we....

Is it any less safe than an overcrowded dinght in the channel. Besides, the idea is it's a deterrent so the boat crossings should reduce significantly/stop and so few would actually need to go to Rwanda.

Your example of a law saying torture is not torture is a daft analogy so I won't waste time on it


Just been down to my polling booth- still quite busy.  Thanks Hymie, reading your nonsense on here inspired me to go and make sure we don't have anyone running the country who is going to undo Brexit.  Good old democracy. 

As I’ve already posted on AB, if the Labour government are as corrupt/incompetent/dishonest as the Tory government over the last 14 years – you can bet I will be calling them out for it.

We went after walking the dog and on the way shopping, about 10.30 a.m..

You may say that torture is not torture is a daft analogy – but probably not for those refugees being sent to an unsafe country (where they may be subject to torture).

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