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gulliver1 | 08:04 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
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.............😎We Did It😎..Pay back time Brexit😎..............



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You do know the people nagged to have a referendum on leaving the EU"the people"? Some did, Prudie, but it certainly wasn't universal. None the less, it does seem the bungling of it was one of the reasons for yesterday's vote.
12:42 Fri 05th Jul 2024

Is there going to be much more of this?

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What has Brexit got to do with it? You do know the people nagged to have a referendum on leaving the EU and then it was the people who voted for it or not  one way or another. It was not  foisted on anyone, it was a democratic procedure.



^^^As I said earlier in the week, that's what concerns me.

I'm not much fussed about other matters. Neither the Tories nor Labour had any intention of addressing the real problems facing the UK. But on the basis that all politians tell lies, Mr Starmer's statement fills me with dread.

Gulliver.  Be careful what you wish for as there may be a mass exodus of UK citizens escaping from the clutches of Starmer and Co, and joing you in the land of plenty.

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Starmer didn't need to borrow votes to get elected as Boris had to ............😎 Sir Keir hit the ground running😎

I'm going to try not to criticise the new Government during their first 6 months, but when they do start to make an almighty balls-up of things, which they inevitably will, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm quite looking forward to the extreme Left on this site trying, and failing, to spin a positive.


I just sincerely hope SKS relegates his truly dreadful deputy to something pretty meaningless, or even better, to the back backbenches.

I'm going to try not to criticise the new Government during their first 6 months, but when they do start to make an almighty balls-up of things, which they inevitably will, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm quite looking forward to the extreme Left on this site trying, and failing, to spin a positive.


I just sincerely hope SKS relegates his truly dreadful deputy to something pretty meaningless, or even better, to the back backbenches.

Get a life Gulliver !!


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It was probably the 3.5 million ex pat voters who had their lives changed by Brexit. Who took their revenge, that helped get the Cons finally evicted😎

DD - I suspect your last hope will be totally unfulfilled. I more expect Starmer to be ousted by the looney left and the likes of Corbyn and Abbott creeping back into power. It's the way the left works.

gully - Labour didn't gain any votes, it was Con abstentions that delivered the result. Ex pats had no effect.

and REFORM got more than 4 million votes nationwide so Brexit supporters are obviously alive & kicking.

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08.45 I have a wonderful life thank you. Basking in the sun all day sipping Pina Coladas under a brolly that shelters me from the Sun and not the rain as in your case. 😎But not to worry....... Your life will get better from now on...Because of the Cons having their aprils kicked out of power😎

I don't see how Corbyn can oust anyone, bhg, as he's an Independent. 

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08.50 davebro.    "Labour didn't gain any votes"                       No davebro.     😎They just gained the Country instead😎lol.

Gulliver if you have such a wonderful life why on earth do you spend so much time on here whinging.

10CS - bhg said "the likes of Corbyn" not Corbyn himself. just sayin'

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Lots of sour grapes on here today . I think shock of the Tories being booted out of power has not really sunk in yet .Just take your time you have a few years to get over it.

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