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gulliver1 | 08:04 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
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.............๐Ÿ˜ŽWe Did It๐Ÿ˜Ž..Pay back time Brexit๐Ÿ˜Ž..............



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You do know the people nagged to have a referendum on leaving the EU"the people"? Some did, Prudie, but it certainly wasn't universal. None the less, it does seem the bungling of it was one of the reasons for yesterday's vote.
12:42 Fri 05th Jul 2024

Once Starmer is ousted the looney left will welcome the likes of Corbyn back into the party and then there's no limit to the damage they can do.

Like I said on another thread - "it's all over bar the gloating"!

Oh goody. Payback time.  Abers can blame Gulliver for everything that goes wrong now.  ๐Ÿ˜‚

It is not sour grapes, a lot of us who have lived under a labour government know what's coming.

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TSM 09.21   The only whinger on here is you .                          ......๐Ÿ˜ŽI am cock a hoop.๐Ÿ˜Ž

Just hope that Labour are ( and MUST be !!) squeaky clean in the forthcoming years !! It was no surprise BTW - expected it for ages !!


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Vulcan 09.38 Welcome to the... Sunny uplands of Britain .            ๐Ÿ˜ŽThings will only get better from today onward๐Ÿ˜Ž

So what will Gulliver say when the inevitable cock-ups start.

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 Boris had a majority of 80 . What is Keirs Majority?

awful result cant believe reform did so well the racist party you could say then the party that care about the land nature and the environment get only four seats i voted green and had really high hope this time around but it seems most people voted in protest rather their heart it is unfortunate the state of political affairs 

labour are a diabolical embarrassing shambles of a party and i cant get my head around the fact they are leading government they are just one head of the two headed snake 

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Wonder if ED Milliband will be in the next cabinet ?

You do know the people nagged to have a referendum on leaving the EU

"the people"? Some did, Prudie, but it certainly wasn't universal. None the less, it does seem the bungling of it was one of the reasons for yesterday's vote.

labour are a diabolical embarrassing shambles of a party

actually, they're extremely well organised, as you may just have noticed. It's not Labour who are in meltdown.

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Naomi 09.33... I think anyone on AB who couldn't even be bothered to vote  should not come on here commenting on those that did.

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JNO  12.42 Best Answer . Spot on.

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No doubt about it. Brexit certainly got the Tories well and truly Done.  lol๐Ÿ˜Ž

Crikey! Labour's new found power has gone to gulliver's head! He's taken to making his own rules!    ๐Ÿคฃ

"i voted green and had really high hope this time around"

I would have thought that a fourfold increase in the number of seats should have exceeded your highest hopes, roadman.

The Green Party will never be anything other than a fringe party in the UK because, quite simply, most people have more pressing matters which concern them.


"Naomi 09.33... I think anyone on AB who couldn't even be bothered to vote  should not come on here commenting on those that did."

Why, you comment on people who provide links?

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13.00 Eh!

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