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Anyone Been To Mundomar Animal Park Benidorm Spain?

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cleoval | 14:57 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Destinations
2 Answers

Hi We want to buy 2 VIP Tickets for the Mundomar Animal Park.  Can you buy Tickets at a local Tourist office in Benidorm  when you get there.? Also any tips especially welcome. TIA.



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The park mainly sells tickets online they're also available at some tram stations people though, myself included, would want to discourage you from patronising anywhere with captive dolphins.
15:26 Fri 05th Jul 2024

The park mainly sells tickets online

but they're also available at some tram stations

Many people though, myself included, would want to discourage you from patronising anywhere with captive dolphins.

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Thank You Buenchico.

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Anyone Been To Mundomar Animal Park Benidorm Spain?

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