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With Labour’s Majority, I’m As Happy As David Cameron With A Pigs Head

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Hymie | 16:24 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
13 Answers

But after 14 years of Tory corruption, it will take Labour years to undo the damage.


No doubt TTT will shortly be pointing out the swing to the Tories required for Labour to be voted out of power – making it almost certain that they have won two terms.



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Didn't Labour leave a note saying sorry there's no money left

Trouble being, as far as one can hear, they have no intention of undoing much, but making things worse. What are the odds that our borders are made secure from further invasion before the year is out  ?

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// Didn't Labour leave a note saying sorry there's no money left//


Every treasury department since time immemorial has left such a note for the incoming government – just that the Tories made political capital out of it, claiming it to represent the poor financial management of the previous Labour government.


Even David Cameron made this claim, knowing full well it to be nonsense – but that’s the Tories for you (good riddance to such a bunch of liars).

Hymie's still bitter even tho' his side have won!😥

^^^and he's already starting with the excuses for when Labour get found out. Which they will.

Why are you so happy that the country has elected a middle-class white chap that says we won't rejoin the EU in his lifetime?

Thank goodness for Keir Starmer and his pledge that the UK will not rejoin either the EU, the single market or the customs union within his lifetime, in his firmest promise yet that Labour will not seek much closer relations with Europe for as long as he is prime minister.

The Labour leader told reporters on Wednesday he did not think Britain would go back into any of the three blocs while he was alive, all but ruling out rejoining even if he wins a second term.  Asked (two days ago) whether he could see any circumstances where the UK rejoined the single market or customs union within his lifetime, Starmer said: “No. I don’t think that that is going to happen. I’ve been really clear about not rejoining the EU, the single market or the customs union – or allowing a return to freedom of movement.”  

^^^oh dear - you'll give poor, simple, Hymie a thromby with that talk.

No closer union eh. Is he ensuring our military isn't going to be under EU control too ?

"Every treasury department since time immemorial has left such a note for the incoming government "

How on earth would you know that? Pure supposition.


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This New Statesman article suggest the practice dates back to at least the time of Churchill, with the publication being highly critical of the Tories claims re no money left by Labour in 2010.

Ultra right is out tonight.

It's very hard to accept as true any article which includes statements such as "accounts vary" and " in my humble opinion".

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With Labour’s Majority, I’m As Happy As David Cameron With A Pigs Head

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