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Even The Tories Agree.

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gulliver1 | 15:03 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
21 Answers

The Tory verdict is. That one of the main causes of them getting such a Beating at the GE  Was BREXIT. And not just the Tory betting scandal and Liz Truss .And the Chris Pincher Boris downfall .Says senior Tories as they conduct a postmortem into  the worst performance by the Cons in history.



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Where is this information from?

It wasn't brexit - if Boris hadn't screwed up his premiership (and been knifed in the back) he would still be PM.

 Yes Brexit was one of the causes but i  think that after 14 years they had become stale ,out of touch, and plotting and arguing amongst themselves. The electorate wanted a change from the some old thing.

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15.08 The problem with Brexit was one really knew  what they were voting for and Believed the lies pouring out of Boris's mouth.And now they are paying for it via The purse,pocket and wallet.

I see no evidence that anyone has changed their mind in the Conservative party over Brexit. The party was split, for and against, just as the country was. I have not heard anyone blame brexit for this election result. As the Reform vote shows, many still think brexit was worth it.

This is just Gullible1 trying to stir things up now that the election is over!   He's lost at what to do now ! lol

It would be better if gibberish wasn't claimed by posters here. Brexit is the reason the combined Tory/Reform vote count was so large.

We're not paying because of Brexit (I voted remain) we're paying, and will be for many more years to come, because for nigh on two years we paid people to sit on their backsides, we closed the economy and we printed shed loads of money. Oh, and Russia invaded Ukraine and turned off the gas taps.


This is why we're paying, and it was inevitable. I can remember posting on this site 4 years ago and saying the folly of locking down and paying people to sit on their *** would have to be paid back, but the Covid worshippers loved it. Starmer wanted to lockdown harder and for longer, so thank god he wasn't in charge then because it would be worse.

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Teacher 16.58   "He's lost at what to do now! lol"                "He" didn't lose you did lol .😎Enjoy the next five years😎

gully you got what you wanted, is this a rub it in, very childish and very immature, labour will as usual bring the country to it's knees, milliband rayner, ed will decimate industry thats already on it's kness net0 zealot, let alone small businesses, i think you gloat over the uk's demise, the only cure is a hard right wing military government..clean uo the mess and liquidate the undeseriables ie deportation regardless.

Gullible1 .... I was referring to you, not Sir Flip Flop ! lol

I was delighted that Labour won, and so convincingly. I didn't think Brexit had anything to do with it. In a way, I thought it was a very fortunate victory for Labour due to the fact that a lot of Tory voters shifted their votes to Reform and LD. This was of great benefit for Labour, without doubt. 

However, even if the Tory voters had stayed with them, I still think Labour would have won due to winning back the "Red Wall" seats and doing so well in Scotland. It would probably have given them an OM of 30 to 40.

And I aint rubbing it in. Just stating the bleedin' obvious. And I don't think this is the birth of the Reform Party either. It was a mass protest by Tory voters from which Labour and the Lib Dems profited hugely. These Tories have gone, but others will replace them. 

//That one of the main causes of them getting such a Beating at the GE  Was BREXIT.//

What rubbish. They lost because they have been a shambles in the last 2 years and because so many Tory voters switched to Reform. Labour didn't cover Brexit as an issue. The only parties that did were SNP, Liberals and Greens, and overall, while Liberals gained so many seats, the combined vote of these 3 parties hardly changed from 2019.

But I expect gulliver knows that really. Or has misunderstood.

No link to a source makes such a claim highly suspicious and a probable troll. But that can't be right, surely ?

you got what you wanted now belt up.

Where does this 'news' come from, Gulliver?  You've no excuse for failing to quote a source.  Everyone can type the name of a website or newspaper.

There's a piece in inews (paywall)

//Liz Truss’s disastrous premiership, the Tory gambling scandal and Brexit are all to blame for the Conservatives’ collapse in the general election, senior party sources have claimed.

As the post-mortem into the worst performance by the party in history begins, fingers are already being pointed in the direction of the former prime minister as being largely responsible for the disappointing outcome.

Self-inflicted errors during the election campaign, the UK’s departure from the European Union and CCHQ’s refusal to properly fund digital attack adverts were also cited as being behind the party’s historic defeat at the ballot box.//

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 A Defeated Tory MP who stood for (Yeovil) and lost his seat says.   The Tories have no chance of.. EVER Getting elected again. And has quit the party almost in tears, in the wake of it's Electoral wipeout that left his ex party with just 121 Mps and Labour with 412.

If so, they are obviously the over-emotional type. Some folk need to get a grip.

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Hey teacher1 @ 16.58 and 20.46 My user name is gulliver1.  Hope you taught  your delinquent pupils how to spell better than you do.Read site rule number two if you are able...OK!

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