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allanbrunner | 22:01 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Apologies 9 letters



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No letters?

redresses ???

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?e?a?h?re? 14 down



Those Who





Your pattern shows 10 letters?


semaphores fits that pattern??

Just looked at the puzzle online & the clue is -

Analogies (9) - so I'd suggest - Metaphors (?)

Maybe allan will send his analogies?

(I know how easy it is to make typing errors , especially when using my phone to type.)

Thank you for clearing that up, L-i K

Question Author

Sorry all. Either a particularly bad day for me or too much Silverstone excitement couled with Pavarotti over-indulgence on BBC 4! Specsavers for me!

Glad I could help 🙂

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