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For Anneasquith

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choux | 09:20 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I hope all is well with you, anne. I know there has been some activity on your account but it is a while since you posted.

Have missed you, take care.



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I was just about to post the same. I'd noticed last week that she'd not been about. Also missing is Canary42.

I hope they both look in.

...and zacs-master.

I noticed Anne and Canary were missing.  There are actually a few missing.

At least the site is a little bit friendlier than it was a few weeks back.


Woofgang is also AWOL

Apart from you know who

It would be nice if 'missing' Abers posted when they look in, e.g. Anne early this morning.

Canary hasn't posted since 5th May and I feel a bit concerned about this.

I hope all's well with Annieasquith and all the others who haven't posted for a while.

Didn't I read some of them have made their own forum elsewhere?

??? ^^

Anne - some people are wondering how you are and, when you look in, why don't you just post a short reply - no need to go into details?


. I do pop in to check I don't miss any ' news' re my AB friends. 
take care Anne.

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