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Refreshment House Of Games C/D 31/7/24

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bogdan | 10:23 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers

opposites attract 35. pussycat pensioners - answer is a childrens book title which is the opposite of the clue



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Any ideas?

Found one called owl babies

It has to be The Owl Babies. Good answer, Bows.

Any ideas for 40.  The Stationary Carrot ..... please.

Are they all children's books?

.... no. 40 is. 

Can't think what might be the opposite of carrot.

.... could be a fruit !

Each Peach Pear Plum.😀

?? The runaway orange

...... or, The Runaway Pea.

Found a book runner bean

The Runaway Pea by Kjartan Poskitt ?

the runaway orange is more like an opposite.

The Runaway Orange

Book by Felicity Brooks and Jo Litchfield


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Refreshment House Of Games C/D 31/7/24

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