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queenviles | 19:01 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

Any help with musical quiz please. 25 American Romeo and juliet 31 anna Mae 37 small dark  harmony 55 pub lost feeling 57 eccentric building 60 disappearing village. Thank you 



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25 West Side Story

25 West Side Story

31 Tina Tuners real name

60 Brigadoon

37 A little night music

55 barnum


25.  I thought Porgy and Bess.

I was going off this, TheWinner

Captain2, sure, it could be either I suppose. All suggestions are helpful. I thought West side story was more about the gangs than the "lovers".

I don't know much about musicals, but if number 57's clue had been "eccentric shop", I would have offered "Kinky Boots".  

25 is West Side Story 

57; Follies

A Folley is an eccentric building

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