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Benidorm Tap Water Quality For Drinking.?

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cleoval | 19:51 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Destinations
7 Answers

HI i want to go to Benidorm but do i have to buy bottled water.?  Is the tap water for drinking ok.?  I ask because 40 years ago i went to Ibiza and bought bottled water but forgot to use it for brushing my teeth and got pains in my stomach from the tap water.  Is it better to buy something from the Chemist here just in case or in a Spanish Chemist.? TIA.



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The tap water is fine for drinking

If you want to take medication put it in your hand luggage for the flight but there are a lot of farmacias  (chemists) in Benidorm and they will have everything you need and will most likely speak English 

There's a new market for SW Water then after their recent Devon catastrophe.....

The water directly off the mains is bacteriologically OK...but make sure it's mains water directly and not from some storage tank. Chemically, it has a very high mineral content which can upset digestive systems - until you get used to it.

The last time I was in Spain (45 years ago), we were careful to ask the old village bar owner to give us bottled water with our pastis, which he kindly did. Late in the evening I saw him innocently filling up his bottle from the tap - he probably thought we were a bit odd, but politely humoured us. Didn't do us any harm.

When in Spain I clean my teeth in tap water but if I drink water, then I buy bottled. Better to be safe. 

Hi, been to Benidorm a number of times and find the water is fine.  We use it for most things but if we want a drink then we buy bottled water as the tap stuff has a chlorine type taste to it.  We take Imodium with us just in case of upset tummy the instant ones then no need to be trying to find them out there.

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