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What A Waste Of Money That Was!

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barry1010 | 08:24 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

I was well prepared for summer some weeks ago and bought the bottle of calamine lotion in readiness for burnt necks and noses.  ⛈🌧    

Hope it keeps until next year 



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You should have invested in cream to prevent burning in the first place - no treatment needed then.  That said, with the washout summer we're having an umbrella would be handier.  ☔️


Don't fret, barry. I'm told it's nice with a slug of Jack Daniels. 🤣

You remind me of a day in my school years, around 1961. It was the first day back in the Autumn term and as I was passing two of my teachers chatting in the corridor I heard one telling the other "I missed summer last year because I was in hospital. I missed it this year because I was having a cup of tea". That summed up nicely what a rotten summer it had been.

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Suncream is for sissies and have you seen the price of it?

A red neck proves I've been working hard in the garden and not slacking in the deckchair 🙂

After you, NJ.  I await your critique.

You are right there, bhg.  The proof is in the fruit and veggies struggling in my garden and on the greengrocers' shelves.


calamine - very stable -  it is a ground up rock, isnt it?

Start using factor 50 before  hand ( also very stable,  contains titanium)

A red neck proves your a Republican - well to some people.

Not been a good year for the veggies, radishes just bolted, first batch of parsnip seeds rotted, same with the celery.  Got lodas of tom plants with a fair few Toms but the first to ripen was rotten.  Got pleanty of lettuce and cues though.

Give up and move on to next year I reackon.

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Even my apples aren't doing well, young, and my beans are beyond help.

I don't know if it's all down to the weather or if the recent invasion of parakeets is to blame. 

I have one single unripe cherry to show for three cherry trees. There will be no more this year

I have 3 small apples.  

Had a few broad beans but the runners and french - virtually nothing.  And then came the balckfly to get what was there!

Last year we had hardly any plums; this year the tree is groaning. Just 2 cherries this year and apple has the best crop it's ever had. Hanging baskets and pots have never looked so good.

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It's frustrating.

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What A Waste Of Money That Was!

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