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Want To But Crypto But Apps Not Letting Me

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nomorewars | 10:31 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
15 Answers

I want put cash into btc and ethereum. I've downloaded created accounts with plus 500 and etoro but none of them are letting me trade I don't know why maybe they want big money investers as btc is near the capped limit, the peasants are unable to get in... Wanted put 1k in btc and 1k in ethereum.  Can anyone advise please. 


BTW in around 2017 I had 5k in btc but seen it's volitilty and I've no patience so I pulled out after a month, hindsight I should have stuck it out



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Another planet. Or a scam.

Question Author

How is this question a scam?? And how why am I on another planet, wish I could put screenshot here... Im on etoro site atm and I'm going to put £200 to copy a top in ester with 87% success rate so I'll report back, it's a gamble I'd rather just throw 1k on btc or ethereum but the site won't let me

when you say "won't let you" what do you mean exactly?

Question Author

" we cannot allow you to trade please familiar yourself with risks involved" but ive allready familiarise myself as I was with etoro for approx year traded btc plus stock on Lockheed martin

Not a subject I'm familiar with, but, are you using a browser ? If so does a different browser work ? I just wonder what it is that's "protecting" you.


If it's the website is there some blurb it needs you to read first ?


Or try a different device.

Have you ticked any boxes that ask you to read the terms and conditions, the risks and anything else that might be there?

Is there a cooling off period between registering and trading?

Has your bank put a block on it? 

is there some advisory notice that you have to read & tick as having accepted the risks?

Question Author

It's basically telling me I'm not allowed to trade btc, it's giving me a notification to familiarise myself with risks involved with trading first, but if they look at my Acc history they'll see I traded eth, btc, doge years ago as well as some stocks... Ill contact their help desk, ive made decision to jump in again as its skyrocketed since 2017 I'd be worth few quid now if I'd waited, also trumps been on record as saying invest in btc future... Ive couple pound to spare so why not. 

If you believe Trump really did say that and you trust him, go ahead 

Could have already reached it's peak.

Personally I'd avoid anything to do with Trump, but each to their own.

the glitch that has prevented you trading- - has saved you a lorra lorra loo-la

leave it be, spend it and go on holiday ( you know God wants you to do that)

Question Author

Yea OK Peter, I just mite, think I've missed the boat on BTC

It’s a fascinating field that might help you think about how emerging technologies could be applied to your business needs.

In case you're interested in diving deeper into this subject, there are some great resources online that explain how <a href=";>quantum ai</a> works and its potential impact. I’ve found that understanding these technologies can give you a new perspective on solving business challenges. You might want to check out this resource for more detailed info on how quantum ai is being used to transform various industries.

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