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England - Netherlands

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AnOtherMod | 20:35 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Sport
23 Answers

Thread for comment and spoilers.

[ the editors have particularly asked mods to take out any spoilers on this match and (especially if it seems to be a deliberate rather than accidental action) to consider suspending the person(s) posting the spoiler(s).



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Well that got scrambled somehow - it should have said that this is a thread for comment during and after the match, so that spoilers are avoided elsewhere.

why even bother....just watch the match and not come out with any banal comments not that any ABer worth his/her salt is going to be interested in.

Much better from England, I'm enjoying this one... imo wasn't a pen, but I'll take it and seen weaker ones given.

The editors ? Chorltle blinking splutter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

now for a blitz of goals in the 2H to sink the Cloggies.

Good match so far, a wonder goal for the Dutch and a (slightly dodgy?) penalty for England.

Irish half-time wafflers reckon England should be ahead and may regret it later.

so no 'soiler' - who has had the better commentary team, the Beeb or ITV?

What's more important, what happened to Roy Keane's beard?

It's much better being on the roght side of a dodgy VAR decision than the wrong side. Trust me, i support Burnley FC so i know what i'm talking about.

Much better performance from our lads in the first half and a 'workmanlike' showing in the second half from both sides, and just about the sorrect result, imho.

As for the commentary, i've preferred watching the games on ITV mainly for Ally McCoist. Doesn't take himself too seriously, unlike some pundits.

Well said Ken totally agree with you apart from the Burnley bit obviously 😉

Arky, the number of times VAR got it wrong for us last season was almost unvelievable. Even the MOTD crew agreed with me on several occasions.

Ironic, really, given that Sean Dyche was one of the loudest advocates of VAR, believing it would drive the 'diving' out of the game. No Burnley player was 'allowed' to dive and i think during his 10 year spell with us, we got about 20 penalties (if that) all told. Some teams get a dozen or so a season!

I believe you, A lot is claimed that United get loads of VAR decisions go their way ... what a load of ol tosh!  the MOTD haven't seen the full games on some occasions obviously just the highlights that they present.

Agree about Ally McCoist as well... he's often on 'Talksport'

I still can't believe we're in the final... the number of times I've thought 'That's it... i'm changing my avatar back to the Angel vampire puppet after this drivel performance ...

>>>  "the editors have particularly asked mods to take out any spoilers on this match"

Well that's one email that never found its way into my inbox!

I also can't believe we're in the final. We seem to have got there by not doing very much. 

Ok, I won't spoil the thread here by telling you the score. But don't read any newspapers, visit any news sites, or turn on any tv or radio.

Those who know call him Coisty, apparently.

Do you get any emails from the ABEds, Buen?

Auntypoll 20.58 For best answer .

>>> Do you get any emails from the ABEds, Buen?

Once in a blue moon, Barry.  (The most recent one was dated 24/11/23).

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