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I Reported An Image Of A Golliwog On Fb.

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sandyRoe | 17:30 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
111 Answers

They replied that they weren't going to do anything about it.

Shameful, or what?



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Gollywogs are awful and an archaic anti-black characature from which a very derogatory term for people of colour took its roots. Even as a child  I thought they were disrespectful.
18:09 Tue 09th Jul 2024

Calling someone a white bitch is no more offensive than calling a black person gollywog or sambo.

JOURDAIN, you'll not have read this from me then,

'The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as, "A soft doll made of cloth or wool, representing a caricature of a black person (usually a man), with a black face, exaggerated mouth and eyes, fuzzy hair, and brightly coloured clothing. Also: a pictorial representation of this."

It shows the full word recorded in 1903 with its use then meaning, "British slang. offensive. A black or dark-skinned person, esp. a person of African origin or descent"'

Do you think still, it's the offended person's problem?

Yes, because they were bought and LOVED in innocence.

I am, Aunty Poll and these days I expect persons of colour  to be educated also and above historical, knee-jerk reactions. 

Anyone who isn't is stuck in ancient attitudes. 

Racism is not historical. Do you really think being called a white bitch is more offensive than being called a gollywog? Seriously?


Incredible 😞

One is intentional.

Sometimes it's the people you'd expect to have empathy...who don't. 

I suppose everyone needs to get with modern attitudes...and love a golly.  🙄 


So I suppose I can't say golly gosh anymore?

I collected them as a child, I never associated them with racism, never entered my head.

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