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Dutch Courage Sometimes Has Its Place, As Did Dutch Caps, And Dutch Ovens

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sandyRoe | 06:20 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

...might be described as playful sadism(see Urban Dictionary) but are they any good at football?

Have we anything to worry about tonight?



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To point out the obvious, this is all double Dutch.
10:59 Thu 11th Jul 2024

Only if you bed a playful sadist, if so, please record your antics and post it here on AB😳

you could have a Dutch bob next time at the hairdresser, sitting in a Dutch chair inside a Dutch barn

then down to your bowling alley and see if you can land a Dutch 200 but remember to close the Dutch door on the way out of the barn, one which you have worked on with Dutch metal, esp. Dutch gold.

Give yourself a Dutch treat with a Dutch lunch, going Dutch if you are meeting anyone...hopefully not your Dutch uncle. a glass or three of Dutch courage may be in order, Dutch genever the drink of choice - but then you may need a Dutch wife afterwards.

I need to stop Dutch waffling as this is becoming Double Dutch

signed by a Dutch boy with his finger in a Dutch dyke - Move over, Anneliese, my Dutch doll.....

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Maybe this thread would have attracted more responses if I'd placed it in the sports section.

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That's another worry we can put behind us.

Now for the Spaniards.

To point out the obvious, this is all double Dutch.

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Dutch Courage Sometimes Has Its Place, As Did Dutch Caps, And Dutch Ovens

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