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Getting Weeds Out

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smurfchops | 22:36 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

Is there an easy way of getting annoying small weeds out of a border?  Rather than getting down on hands and knees and breaking my back, is there an implement I can buy that goes into the earth and pulls them out?  Or maybe there is an inventor out there ...



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Look on Amazon Smurf for the "Best Long Handled Weeding Tools" and you'll find lots at many different prices and there must be one that suits you.  Good Luck.

It's called, 'gardening'  - 😊

Instead of pulling them out, just use a hoe.

I see most of what I wished to put is already covered but...

Yeah a hoe is good for disturbing weeds that dont have deep roots. Even if they do you might "upset" them for a bit. I have a dutch one that "goes both ways".

I'm sure there has to be plenty of long handles other tools too, if difficult to find look where they sell things to make life easier for the elderly or disabled.

Or, you can do what I often do and find something waterproof to sit on (an empty compost bag works well) then you just shuffle it and your rear along as you go down the border with your trowel, etc..

Oh and yes there is a tool with a long handle to pull up weeds but it works better on firmer ground, such as a lawn. I have one but don't recall the trade name: just look for "weed puller" and check the well known brands.

From Amazon about £20. Long, gas powered weed burner.

Works a treat. You do not burn them away but hold it top the centre of the plant for a few secs and the instense heat destroys its system and they shrivel and die in hours.

And all our little insects with it:-(

We've got a long handled kind of fork with twisted tines set in a square shape.  You dig it into the ground around the weed and twist.  It's quite effective.

Those things are quite precision, doubt many of you 'lovely' insects would cop it.  Your more likely to tread on a load walking to the weed.

In the sixties you would get a lenght of scrap timber around 5 feet, bang in the end 2/ 3 rusty six inch nails close together. Oh, they dont have to be rusty.😃

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Thanks everyone :)

Ah yes, my weed pulling tool. It says Fiskars W82 written on the "head".

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