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Weird Alexa

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barry1010 | 14:43 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Technology
15 Answers

Yes, I do know many of you wouldn't go within a hundred miles of one, let alone have one in the house. You don't need to tell me again.

I have a Echo Dot and an Echo.

I asked both to tell me the Spanish word for 'umbrella'.  They both said paraguas but in very different accents.  I am baffled as they both use the standard voice and are set up the same way.

Any idea why? 



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Could be, the difference is startling. Thanks Buen

Why would anyone have something in their house listening constantly to everthing you say?

^^^ It's called 'marriage', TTT 😊

15:05 yeah but even er indoors doesn't hear it all!

South America and Castilian?

Para pluie as the French might say. 😄

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When I've got time I'll try and record them


"listening to everything"to be able to listen to anything you have to have the mike turned on,mine are off,and i can't talk to alexa unless i turn the mike up..but the sound is so good either movies or music.that is why i got one

If she listens to me she would be gibbering in a corner.... I think it only listens when you are saying something interesting

It is listening to those conversations where you are discussing something  that you might be about to buy.Then you will probably be bombarded with requests and adverts from prospective retailers.

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Andres, I have never experienced that and we have had lots of chats about doing up the kitchen, replacing appliances, buying a new car, books, music, all sorts.

Alexa doesn't tell me about promotions and I don't get spam from Amazon. I haven't had any type of spam relating to our chats

barry----I did say 'probably'

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She is very well mannered, only speaks when spoken to or scheduled do, doesn't mind repeating herself and doesn't roll her eyes 🙂

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