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Help Please Only 5 Left To Get. Debra Charity Rotary Club Quiz.

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flemma | 18:34 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

I'm stuck on the five below. Any help would be fantastic.  All answers are musical instruments. 

4. Their arrangement after last letter has strings attached (6)

7. Will it put a ring on your finger (8)

8. Dylan's man (10)

15. Ian has nothing but follows softly (5) I think this might be Piano but can't work out where the P comes from  

13. whether you stand or sit around it's there to play (5)




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8 (Hey Mr) Tambourine (man)

8 Tambourine (Hey, Mr Tambourine a song for me...)

4 Z-ither

15 P, piano, is softly in musical terms.

7 I've suggested 'Handbell' previously

13 Sitar - hidden in clue

13 SIT ARound 

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Help Please Only 5 Left To Get. Debra Charity Rotary Club Quiz.

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