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England - Netherlands

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AnOtherMod | 20:35 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Sport
23 Answers

Thread for comment and spoilers.

[ the editors have particularly asked mods to take out any spoilers on this match and (especially if it seems to be a deliberate rather than accidental action) to consider suspending the person(s) posting the spoiler(s).



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If the site is overly concerned about "details" of a live match, that is being watched by probably 100 million people, being exposed here then perhaps the answer is to close the site whilst the game is on. Precious or what? 

 I dread having to watch a match on ITV when Ally McCoist is on it as one of the pundits.

Was a great footballer, is great man, but on air giving his views, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO SHOUT! But even when he's shouting I still find it difficult to understand what he's saying a lot of the time.

Is it only me that dread it when he's on the telly?

Alan Shearer is another shouter. He really gets on my nerves.

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England - Netherlands

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