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Any Significant Change In Your Life This Morning.

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nicebloke1 | 11:51 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Just before the football started last night one of the so called pannel of experts made this statement, quote, If England win tonight it will change ALL of our lives. So tell me whats changed for you or is this chap off his trolly.🤣



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Off his trolley.  It will cheer up football fans for a few hours and that is the full extent of the impact

there'll be an increase in hangover symptoms i guess.  Not for me though

He's off his trolley.

I have no interest in football whatosever and didn't know the result of last night's match until it was the "headlines" on the 8am news on R4. Instead of the one liner it is, which should have been calmly announced at the end of the broadcast, we were treated to five minutes (of the 10 minute bulletin) of screams, yells and cheers and by a commentator trying to shout over it all.

The only way it's changed my life is that Mrs NJ and I will be unable to go out for a pie and a pint next Sunday evening. This is because most of the hospitality outlets will be full of lunatics, in football shirts, shouting at a TV set when they should be at home watching it in the comfort of their own living rooms (thus leaving the pubs free for people to have a drink, a bite to eat and a chat).

But we'll soon get over that.

Off his trolley. It would be nice if England went on to win their first international trophy since 1998 but I don't think it will change our lives. Just a pundit getting carried away.

England did well to prevail, but - as I said on another thread - on Sunday Spain will pass the living daylights out of them.

I'm sure GS will have a plan for the spanish.

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After watching it, it appears Harry Cane spends more time on his back than his feet. If not on his back he just hangs around the goal line waiting for the ball to fall in his lap or on his head. Will someone let him know that it could take more than 90 mins before that may happen🤣🤣

Well remembered TTT but Le Tournoi was 1997 the tester tournament for France 98'


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It was no penalty either. Kane had already kicked the ball in the direction he intended, Kanes boot just followed through hitting the other players boot.

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12.14. The best you can hope for is that Spain have a bad day.🤣🤣 and England get jammy again.

12:31 I didn't see it but was it VARd? If so the experts clearly no not agree with your view on this.

12:29, yeah that was England/France/Brazil mini tourement. Thougtit was 98. The trophy was a glass football:


Yep, Kane's follow through hit the Dutch defenders foot. However, the defender was leading with his studs, hence the penalty decision.

I've seen worse decisions and i've seen more blatant penalty claims turned down.

Well, my life changed dramatically for the worse.

We had an oil delivery scheduled from NRG this morning.  Driver arrived with someone  'from the office' who photographed our garage.  Eh?

To reach our oil tank, in order to fill it, they have to pull their hose through 2m of garage (entrance to side door which gives access to garden and tank - been OK for 20 yrs.).  This is suddenly (as of 2 mths. ago) VERBOTEN by their insurance co. in case their pipe splits.   They require an empty garage so there can be no claims.

Hands up those who keep a completely empty garage?

No garden bits and pieces, nothing, no cheating.....

Thought so.  Not many.

We've had a turgid afternoon chasing the one and only firm which will deliver oil by going through a garage.  Instead of 60p per litre it is costing us 69p.  What have we done to deserve this!?



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