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Spectator No 2662 00V11Xv11 By La Jerezana

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Matakari | 14:57 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Good afternoon, a smooth and enjoyable La Jerezana today! Got the theme very early and everything just flowed. Hoping the weekend will be as kind!



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That's good. It was enjoyable, but could I just ask what you had for 22D Sparkling day boozing heartily on Greek island ?R?Z??NTE. Thanks.

Fri (boo)z(ing) zante

Thank you.

I get the 00VII, but initially thought the XVII needed another X.  Then the penny dropped; it's OOVII x VII. Doh

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Spectator No 2662 00V11Xv11 By La Jerezana

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