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Douglas Is Cancelled

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FoxLee2 | 11:37 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

Did anyone watch this?  I was looking forward to it, thought Hugh Bonneville would be good.  I was irritated by the character of his agent and then when it got to that PA woman who wouldn't speak but internalised everything, I gave up.  Would characters like that really be employed?



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I've recorded it, I'll give it a go when I've recorded all the episodes 

Watched the first one but think I may give the rest of it a miss.  Not really impressed.

Same as Barry, recorded, I'll wait until I've got all 4 episodes.

Oh dear thought our lovely dougie had been suspended 😵‍💫

The dialogue just didn't ring true - far too wordy and not how real people speak.  I just kept seeing it as writing on a page.

Cancelled ? I'm sure he was posting here earlier.

A good friend of mine has worked for the BBC for many years and assures me that this is how many youngish employees speak.

I've watched it now and enjoyed it, the last episode was very good, with a few nice twists

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Douglas Is Cancelled

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