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What's This Film?

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ToraToraTora | 12:46 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

It's a series of linked sketches that loop round to the beginning again. I think it's 50s, black and white. One of the sketches involves golf. Saw it a while ago but I just can't remember the name. I did google but all I get is a load of noise. Thanks.



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this, possibly? 
12:50 Sat 13th Jul 2024

was it British/American/other?

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British Dave.

That's the one mush, thanks, earlier than I thought!

that was on daytime tv a couple of months ago.

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just reading in the trivia that the US release omitted 2 of the sections because they thought it was too long. So it made no sense! Good ole yanks they know how to mess something up!

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12:54 that's probably when I saw it.

I seem to remember at the end the cast are outside & the house has got blown up / disappeared? Could be wrong.

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no at the end it just loops round so you see the guy driving to the farmhouse again, just like at the start.

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