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Bathroom Vanity Sink Crack

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EEZABLADE32 | 08:56 Tue 12th May 2020 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
Hi, just looked at my vanity sink, which is about 6 months old, and found 5 inch hairline crack. strange thing is it goes to the underside of the sink. There's been nothing dropped on it nor extremes of temperature. Anyone had similar problem and if so how was it remedied.




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Can't say I have. May have been an internal weakness, but how can you prove it ? I think you should complain under warranty and see if the store's reputation and insurance makes for an easy replacement.
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Thx OG, sound advice.
I assume it's ceramic rather than acrylic?
It happens, quite rarely though.

Usually the result of hidden internal stresses during manufacture.
Either way, apart from living with it, there is nothing lasting that can be done.
OG's right. Ask for a replacement under warranty.
NOT from the manufacturers though (unless they're willing to replace it of course.) In law, your claim is with whoever you bought it from... maybe the installer?
I've one like this. I think it was the mop handle that done it
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Think you're right. I'll get on to Homebase and tell them what happened, send some pics. Like OG said, they're great about giving out warranties but not so when having to stand by them.
I would stand outside and show prospective customers the quality of their goods. Always works.
Not in the first instance Tony, always give the supplier the chance to remedy the situation first.
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Thanks for the sharing 

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