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Chatteris Community Group 30.9.24

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newbie20 | 12:49 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Does anyone know if there is an error with no 11.  All the answers  are items that are or were made from wood.

11. Ballet rail on the left 5 letters.

I am not asking for the answer, thank you



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I can only see a 6 letter answer but am not familiar with the quiz

I can think of a 5 letter answer beginning with B

My answer would be 6 letters too.

and mine - forgot to add the L!

looked it up, and it can have an alternative spelling with just the one "r".

I think 6 letter answer is the right one.

... but can the word for ' Ballet rail' have only one R?

Am doing this quiz and think it has to be 6 letter word

Suggest you contact quiz setter for clarification. 


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