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Defer State Pension?

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medsecslave | 08:58 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
25 Answers

Hello I'll be getting my state pension in August but am considering deferring it as I am still working part time and it will be taxed.  Would I be better off taking it and putting it into an ISA or deferring it ? Thank you



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If you defer it until you retire from work you'll get a better pension in a year  ...but you'll still pay tax on the extra pension as your total state and private pension is well above the tax free amount

Consider also how long you will live in retirement. I based some of my calculations on living to age 84. I don't think I will make that though.

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Thanks for all the replies- if I defer for a year, the rate I get then remains the same for life? Thinking of retiring August 2025?

You will get the extra for life, increasing each April as it does now (hopefully).  

I'll throw in the other option which is to retire now. Worth considering....



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Defer State Pension?

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