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JinnyJoan | 12:17 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

sometimes I need to use an ordinary basic chatline but recently this WHATSAPP comes up instead and I don't have one clue.


Do you need a smart phone (of which I don't have) for WhatsApp or is there anything else I can do .   Thanks




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yes you need a smart phone then you can add it to a PC.

Whatsapp lets you do calls and text free via the net. Much easier to send pictures etc.

You  can use whatsapp on a PC/laptop/etc. but it's better on a smartphone which it was initially designed for. Just get a smartphone?

you can use it on a PC but it must be paired with itself running on a smart phone.

I don't think so - search "whatsapp no smartphone"

well you don't actually need a smartphone but it is based on some sort phone number, even a landline apparently. See here but the easiest way is to do it on a smart phone:

Has it changed then ? Ages ago I could get it to come up on the desktop but then suddenly that started to be problematic and not work. Finally I gave up trying, and that was some time ago.

Mine seemed to have "unlinked" itself from my PC. I've just relinked it following the instructions on the PC - from phone go to settings/link device/scan QR

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