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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:06 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Morning everyone! Well, who else got that rain lastnight/evening!? I mean, we've had months &  months of rain, but that was pretty impressive lol. We were sat here watching TV & mid eve I could see outside that it was raining & then it just suddenly became so heavy that the noise was deafening, & our road turned into a mini river! Have woke up to dry skies but apparently we are going to have more of the same in a few hours.

Still catching up on things but yesterday I did pretty well so hoping to do a repeat performance today. Have a Morrisons grocery delivery mid day which is long overdue. I mean I started the whole thing of getting groceries deliveries weekly/when needed to save me keep going to shops/ dragging trolleys back to  car etc etc, to help my injured back,but then just kept putting off actually booking & doing my order online.... anyway I got it sorted this week and so that's another thing off list.

As I'm typing this I can see the sky literally getting darker &  darker so looks like this fresh rain could be sooner than I  thought!



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I’m something of a danger with an umbrella but had to deploy mine last night. As well as torrential rain we had huge puddles,so shoes on radiator, coat and jeans on towel rack, heating on in the hope of drying them out. I woke in the night feeling rather hot!

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Good morning! Sounds similar to here - one of our cats had to go outside, when she came flying back in  thru the cat flap 10 mins later she looked as though she'd been in the bath! Poor thing was literally dripping wet lol.

Morning everyone, we had the severe weather alert but just had a few hours drizzle. Bit disappointing, was promised thunder and lightning and torrential rain 

Morning. I hope the weather cheers up before the school holidays begin.  Family holidays in this country need a bit of sunshine.  

I hope so too.  When I was a child we always went on holiday during the last week in July and the first week in August. Schools broke up a bit earlier then.

It seems every year we had one terrific thunderstorm, always during the night - it was very exciting in a small caravan - and one rainy day.  The rest was glorious sunshine, I don't know how I've escaped skin cancer I burned so badly. 

I've had a few holiday washouts since those days, it can be wearing 

We had the lot, thunder, lightening, torrential downpour.  Just to annoy us our security light kept going on and off.

My daughter in London said it was torrential at about 10pm. We'd had it down here early in the day. More followed at midnight. 

It's supposed to be sunny all day today...and tomorrow...and through to the end of the week. Yay!

Morning all. I'm sorry I have not been on for a few days, we have had problems with the internet. It chucked it down overnight but its grey and overcast here this morning 

Smow, I am glad you got your delivery sorted, we find ours is a god send

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Morning Barry. Yep we definitely had thunder too,not sure about lightning. Maybe you'll get another deluge today! 

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Morning everyone else - just realised that my answers haven't been posting!!

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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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